Well girls.... Life is pretty different now I suppose.
I have lost like 4 pounds in the past two weeks without trying. always makes me happy although confused. the weight is 118.6
I started a new job... I am waitressing now. It's pretty good. Old people seem to love me haha and people with kids. i like it though. pretty good hours. i never go in before like 11!
and i never eat there which means at least one meal gets skipped
havent been back home in over a month! its weird...
the dali elephant on my back is getting lonely haha i am thinking of getting another tattoo but dont know what.... i want the theme to be mary poppins since its my favorite movie of all time!
P90X was fun for a few weeks but i guess i sorta gave up on it... not intentionally or anything just sorta happened. i just do like core exercises and lunges lately since i am on my feet all day at work i dont want to run as much.
i feel like this post is sorta bland... sorry girls! im in a weird mood i think.
anyways... grilling tonight! yay!! I already cut up a huge zuchini from the neighbors and i want to figure out how to grill peaches... anyone know how? we have a charcoal grill.... maybe i'll pick up some skewers on my way home...
anyways. love you all!!!
hope your summers are going spectacularly!!!!!
Sounds like your life is on the up! :) Glad you're happy!! You deserve this :) xx