Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Wednesday for Wednesdays

So the wedding was of course amazing and I was at 114 for it. Maybe less since I didn't hardly at all for the two days before and during but I also didn't have access to a scale. 114 was the last weight i had seen on the scale. 
I am 116 now which isn't the worst like I said but I know I need to get to at 112. 

So as for the measurements I have : 

November 26th :                           January 12th : 
waist : 24 inches                          Waist : 23.5 
bust : 32                                       Bust : 31.5
hips : 32                                       Hips : 31
butt : 35.5                                    Butt : 34.5
thigh : 19.25                                 Thigh : 18.5 
wrist : 5.5                                     Wrist : 5.5
bicep : 8.5                                    Bicep : 8.5

Weight : 117 .5                                Weight : 116

With only a pound and a half down since Nov. 26th that is terrible! Argh!
I have lost inches though and the space between my legs is great!! I put my knees together feet forward and no part of my thigh touches the other one! That was one of my major goals the first time around. I do not know how it didn't happen or I was too busy counting calories and all that I forgot to actually look at myself in the mirrir for progress. I was mainly worried about the scale by the time I got to 115 and then after that until 107.
Oh and I went to the gym for an hour and 30 minutes today :-)
Anyways, I want to put up pictures but I am afraid they will show up on like google or something and someone will see it. We'll see.
I hope you all are great! I am going to comment you now!


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