Monday, August 22, 2011

Fasting :-)

My fast is going well. I have consumed the following things:
Two glasses of water, 8 oz each
Two glasses or watered down sugar free lemonade, 8 oz each
One Sugar Free Redbull
And I am sipping on my third glass of water now.

We can do this ladies!!!!


  1. At least you are staying hydrated on your fast. :)

    I can only lose 1.6lbs in a day because I am an exercise addict. Fasting helps too lol. But if I don't do much exercise I just stay the same weight which is annoying.

  2. You probably know this already, but you should try to drink more water. Whenever I fast I always forget that anything besides water means you need another glass of water and end up paying for it. Be well <3


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