Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Got to get to 111

I am determined to get to 111 and soon. I have told myself that my reward is to get this tattoo i have been planning for so long. I need to be skinny for it. So yeah. I have to do this.

Just a little side note... I was walking through campus noticing how lovely and empty i felt and i started humming a tune in my head... here are the words: (think dory from finding nemo)
Just stay empty, just stay empty, empty empty
What do we do? we starve starve starve

I just kept repeating it and it made me feel better and not want to eat. :-) 
Later though my in-laws found me at the grocery store (i had to fax something) and dragged me to a chinese place. ugh. i do not like chinese food. i had a vegetable dish and just picked at and moved the food around and chewed realllly slow. 
when i got home i turned on desperate housewives and did aerobics for the full 43 minutes non stop. 

muscle conditioning was killer this morning. i could barely lift my legs towards the end haha. but i love going. i am going on friday again and thursday night is yoga.

I love you all!
Sorry for the weird and random post today... I am feeling a little weird right now. maybe i am just really tired?



  1. You can do it! You are so close to reaching your goals. Stay strong love and remember what's important <3

  2. Hey!
    114 its amazing already! and 111 is just around the corner... I hate when friends or family drag u to restaurants, even worse when theres so little to pick from. agrr... u did go tho! Im proud of you. keep it up :)

  3. I've got just keep swimming in my head now!! Haha

  4. I'm gonna try this wee song haha I've been humming the tune since
    I read it haha, the good thing is my bf will just think it's the dory version :)
    Jen :)

  5. Ah! I love Finding Nemo. Dory is my fave! Just keep starving starving starving! This is the new Theme Song! Good Job!
    Saty Strong<3


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